
Day 46- Crazy Love

Sorry I've been a bit absent from the blogging world. I've been a little busy lately. You know, house to sell, trip to plan, baby to take care of, trying to be present to those I love...

Our church is reading the book, Crazy Love, by Francis Chan. I highly recommend it. I read the book a while ago and really struggled, so I was looking forward to studying it will my small group. Over the past two weeks, I've made some BIG realizations about my faith. It comes down to the fact that I'm still trying to figure out what to DO to please God, rather than realize, embrace, and return God's LOVE. I felt numb when reading the chapter on God's love, ready to move onto the "real" chapters about lukewarm Christians and how to be "hot." I felt that the substance of the book was in how I should change, what I should do, what I'm doing wrong, and how to fix it. Obviously, (though not obvious to me until recently) I do not yet understand God's love. Not that I ever fully will, but I need to work on grace. I need to work on falling back in love with my rescuer. I need to return my focus to HIM. Yes, there are many, many things in my life that need to change and be transformed into God's likeness. But, there is no purpose, no power, no life in simply working to become better. The BEST I can do is like presenting God with a dirty tampon. (paraphrase from Isaiah 64:6) Thankfully, he accepts me and washes me clean. Pristine. Incredibly more than I deserve.

1 comment:

Suz said...

I LOVE this book. And I LOVE your new font! What is it? :)