So, I have officially started my last "semester" of classes for PT school! (applause- or rather the Hallelujah chorus breaks out at this point- haha). I have 6 weeks tomorrow until I have finished all of my classroom work for the program and taken my competency exam. Let me just say- 20 years with no break from school makes this a happy thought!
After finishing my classroom work, I will head out to the semi-real world to finish up my clinical rotations. From mid-October to early January, I will be working at Swedish hospital doing acute and subacute orthopedic and neurological rehabilitation. Then from early January to early March, I will be working in the Aurora Public Schools working with children with disabilities. Finally, in mid-March through mid-April I will be working with physical therapists in Ethiopia doing pediatric and community-based rehabilitation in Addis Abbaba, as well as some basic service work in Yetabon at Project Mercy. Then 2 1/2 weeks to graduation!!!!!!
After graduation I will have to take the licensure exam so that I can be an official PT. (hopefully at this point I will already have a job waiting for me- God willing).
Well, I'm not sure how interested you all were in a timeline of my life until June, but I'm sure excited about getting done with school and all the experiences that will occur along the way.