
Day 346- Another couponing attempt

So... I tried again...


Okay, I said it.  I've got so much to learn.  I think I need to take another class.  I only saved a grand total of... **** $6.70 ****.  I guess that is better than nothing.  YES, it's definitely better than saving nothing. 

Here's a breakdown of what coupons I used this trip:
$.50/1 Bundle of 6 Kleenex tissues 100ct- $5.24 -> $4.74 or .87 ea -> .79 ea
(2) .45/1 Angel Soft 4 pk- 2.44 ea -> 2.00 ea
(2) $1/1 Kikkoman product- soy sauce $1.77, Panko- 1.86 -> 0.77 soy sauce, .86 panko
0.35/1 egg nog- 2.28 -> 1.93
0.50/2 Dole canned products- canned pineapple small- .78*2- 1.56 -> 1.06 or .53 ea
0.45/1 Cuties- 4.78 -> 4.33
(2) 0.50/1 Frigo cheese- 0.33 ea individual string cheese -> FREE + 0.27 overage each !!!!!!!!
1.00/1 Las Palmas enchilada sauce (large can)- 1.98 -> .98

Coupons that didn't show up on my receipt - (2) 0.55- Horizon milk products :( Bought two expecting to have that discount.  Hmmm.

Things learned on this trip:
1) Check the closing time before going to the store at night.  I assumed that Walmart would be open at least til 10, but our Neighborhood Market closes at 9:00.  I ran out of time and missed a couple of money makers because I had to hurry.  I'll get them next time (hopefully). 
2) Always check the off-brand price.  One reason I'm glad I went to Walmart is that I knew I would be able to tell if the coupon was actually getting me a deal.  I almost bought $8 cold medicine with a 1.25 off coupon, then saw that the generic was only $2.25.  I also almost bought wheat thins, then realized the Walmart brand was 0.50 cheaper, even considering the coupon.
3) Go to the store without your child.  Yes, we love them, but they are very distracting when trying to concentrate on getting deals :).  I went without Caleb this time and felt like I was able to concentrate much more (and felt like I wasn't neglecting my child while I shopped).
4) Watch the register while they are scanning your coupons.  I didn't even realize that my Horizon coupons didn't scan until I got home.  I guess I need to pay better attention.
5) Be friendly and nice to your cashier.  I chatted and sympathized with my cashier and she was willing to just type in several of my coupons that had difficulty scanning.  Not sure if she would have been as nice if I wouldn't have shown her courtesy first.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am the annoying lady that only hands them one coupon at a time to scan. I find if you give them the stack they will often miss a couple. By giving them one at a time you can make sure it scans and scans for the right amount (often times it doesn't ring up for the right amount.) HyVee's scanners are terrible and can take several swipes, then they have to type it in. I feel bad but I want my deals! Are you following the Penny Pinchin Mom blog? When I am good about couponing I always follow her blog for the local deals. And the Totally Target blog is great for SuperTarget deal tracking. Most of their deals are not in the weekly ad.