How Far Along: 17 Weeks
Size of baby: 6 ounces, 5ish inches, the size of an onion- according to thebump.com
Total Weight Gain/Loss: about the same as last week? I'll find out for sure at my appointment on Friday
Maternity Clothes: Went and bought more maternity clothes today- a few shirts and another pair of pants- it's getting harder and harder to find things in my current wardrobe
Gender: Official ultrasound should be sometime in early May- I'll find out later this week when it will be *hopefully*
Food Cravings: pasta, red sauce, carbs, cheese, juice
What I miss: running
Sleep: Still waking up 1-2 times every night to use the bathroom
Symptoms: some SI pain, tiredness, not too many symptoms this week
Best Moment this week: I think I'm feeling the baby move!!!
What I am looking forward to: finding out the gender and registering for the first baby shower, which is happening at the end of the month!
i'm so excited to see a baby bump! yay! so... were you saying you'll set the gender appointment at your next visit? or that your next visit may be able to determine the gender?
You are so cute! I love it.
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