
02.18.10- Day 49

So, Alan and I got pregnant quite quickly after beginning to try. In fact, the first month! We were both expecting it to take a bit longer, so we were in a little bit of disbelief when there was a line on the pregnancy test that first day. As a result, I ended up doing 5 total tests. After all were positive with increasingly dark lines, we were convinced (for the most part- hehe). We are both so excited and hopeful as we start this new journey.

Me at 5/6 weeks

Me at 6/7 weeks

Me at 7/8 weeks
I will get Alan to take a picture of this week soon- what we think is 8 or 9 weeks. Hopefully we'll get a more accurate date on our next ultrasound so that we can know the age/due date of our little one a little more for certain. Thanks for all the well wishes. We appreciate everyone's prayers and encouragements as we start this incredibly exciting and I'm sure challenging journey!


Unknown said...

congrats, susan!!! you don't look pregnant in any of the pictures :)

i took like 5 tests when we found out we were preggers, too. someone told me afterwards that there is no such thing as a false positive, so if one reads yes, you are pregnant! ha.

so excited to read about your baby journey!!

amanda said...

congratulations!! i'm so excited for you two!! And of course, I'm also excited for Kayleen. Especially after reading their christmas letter this year. :) Looking forward to all the updates and to see your belly come June!