
The Board Exam... dum dum dummmmm

This weekend I attended a Scorebuilders class to prepare for the physical therapy board exam. I was really skeptical at first, but after about the first 10 minutes I was sufficiently convinced that I needed to be there. Unfortunately, I am also convinced that I need to study a little longer than I had originally anticipated. I think it is worth it, because I really really really want to pass the first time. My scores are not high enough right now to pass. There is a ton of stuff on the test. Needless to say, I'm going to develop my study plan this weekend and hit the books next week. In the beginning of June, you'll find me studying on the beach (alas!) Hopefully it all pays off in the end. (I also am one step closer to possibly having a job in the school system!!!) More to come as I find out more!

PS- soon to come- 365 days of pictures. I got this idea from someone else's blog- a very photographically talented person, but I thought it would be fun. A picture from every day of my life for 1 year. We'll see...

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