Sarah, Carissa, Nicole, and I have been planning a girls' day for a while, which included eating at the S.A.M.E. Cafe and getting massages. We finally found a weekend to do these things and it was a GORGEOUS day! Notice the short sleeves and even sleeveless! The SAME cafe is a restaurant in Denver that allows anyone to eat, even if they can't pay for their meal. (SAME stands for So All May Eat) You can either make a donation or work for 1 hour to get your meal. It's a really cool way to give dignity and an opportunity to get a good meal for those who may not be able to afford it.
Nicole and Sarah at SAME Cafe
Me and Ris
All four of us
After lunch at the SAME cafe, we went on a walk at City Park since it was so beautiful outside. It makes me SO happy that spring is coming.

After our walk at the park we headed over to Massage Envy where we had booked out massages. This is the part of girls' day that starts to go downhill for me. We fill out all these papers and get called back by our massage therapists. Mind you, I've been looking forward to this ALL week. So, I get to the room with my massage therapist and we start chatting. I say something like, "I'm just here for so relaxation and destressing. I don't know if you saw on my paper, but I'm pregnant." She asks, "How far along are you?" I say, "Oh, not very far along. Only about 10 weeks, so I should be able to lay on my stomach still." She says, "Oh, I'm sorry. I can't give you a massage today." My mind says, "WHAT! I HAVE TO GET A MASSAGE TODAY." My mouth says, "Why not?" She proceeds to tell me that Massage Envy does not give massages during the 1st trimester because the risk of miscarriage is still high and they don't want to do anything that could jeopardize the baby's health. Also, that I have to get a doctor's note signed if I want to come back for a massage in a few weeks once I'm out of the 1st trimester. I'm fighting back tears at this point and trying to act like it's not a big deal. So, I go back to the lobby and proceed to wait for an hour while my dear friends get relaxed and destressed. I decide that I can't wait there for an hour because I'm already getting really sulky. So, I go walk around Cherry Creek, which is actually a really cool shopping district in Denver. I went to Crate and Barrell, which always makes me happy, then stopped by Starbucks on the way back to get a decaf French Vanilla Latte. The timing was about right, but the girls were a little confused when I had Starbucks when they got out of their massages. They tried to comfort me, so I made them promise to make me come back to get my massage in a few weeks.
Alan felt so bad for me when I got home that he even gave me a 10 minute massage, which put me in a little better mood. I made him salmon, salad, and stuffing for dinner (and I ate about half of the stuffing- oops!) After he went to work, I went over to Sarah and Carissa's for dinner with them, Jason, and Andy. It was a nice relaxing evening- tacos, cookies, chatting with Meggie, and hand and foot.
Alan felt so bad for me when I got home that he even gave me a 10 minute massage, which put me in a little better mood. I made him salmon, salad, and stuffing for dinner (and I ate about half of the stuffing- oops!) After he went to work, I went over to Sarah and Carissa's for dinner with them, Jason, and Andy. It was a nice relaxing evening- tacos, cookies, chatting with Meggie, and hand and foot.
*I am officially switched over to the midwifery clinic at my hospital! I have an appointment in a couple of weeks, but I'm already feeling really good about making the switch. Thanks for the advice!
i didn't know you weren't supposed to get a massage during your first trimester! ooops i got one in ecuador, but i guess that have different safety standards there :)
hope you and baby hunt are doing well!
that's a really sad story, susie! i'm sorry!! you better go back in a few weeks! (don't feel bad about wanting to cry... i went to get my teeth cleaned last summer after like 5 years of not getting them cleaned... and i was so excited. when i got there... they made me go home because i hadn't taken the antibiotic for my heart. and i definitely cried right there to the receptionist. and that's not even as tragic as not getting a massage!)
Hi Susan: I actually wanted to talk with you more about switching to the Center for Midwifery today, but couldn't catch you after church! Glad you were convinced by someone else. :) Now that I'm here at the end of the road, it's really becoming clear to me how much I appreciate the midwives. Anyways, see you tomorrow! -Grace
Also, FYI - I've gotten prenatal massages at the UColorado clinic... affordable and really well worth it. It's not a spa expereince per se, but it'll be just what you need.
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