
07.01.10- Day 180

Thoughts on pregnancy:

There are many things that I expected of pregnancy. The whole belly getting bigger, going to prenatal check-ups, people's attention turning towards the belly and baby inside. I also expected morning sickness, that I would run throughout my first and second trimesters, and that it would be easy to find maternity clothing. (none of the items in the last sentence were true).

However, there are lots of things that I didn't expect or just never thought about before becoming pregnant.

I didn't know that it was possible to be so preoccupied with getting ready for baby (pretty sure this is the whole nesting thing you hear about) that I would not care if I let all my seedlings die that were supposed to go in my garden and that I would no longer have any interest in working in the yard (it's normally my obsession in the summertime). Who knew that I would spend hours reading about the birthing process and breastfeeding? Or that I would have boundless energy to clean out the office and guest bedroom (which involved a lot of junk), but that I would have no energy to make dinner?

Also, that whole thing about pregnant ladies crying for no reason... Well, 2 days ago, Alan and I went to Redbox to pick out a movie to watch together that evening. I was looking through the list and none of the movies sounded any good, so what is my response? All of a sudden, tears just start streaming down my cheeks in the entrance of Walmart. I'm not even particularly upset :). Alan quickly picked a chick flick out (I think he felt bad for me) and we rushed out of the store. haha. RIDICULOUS!

I think I also expected that pregnancy would be way more uncomfortable. Granted, I am only just now entering the 3rd trimester (and I'm not working right now), but I really haven't been that uncomfortable yet. The tiredness of the 1st-early 2nd trimesters has really been the worst thing I've dealt with. There have been a few instances of shortness of breath here and minor low back pain there, but overall, I can still do basically everything I used to do, just with a little less rotation and forward bend. I will say that I didn't expect the need for body pillows lining both sides of my body to sleep well and that I would awake multiple times most nights to either pee or readjust my body. I'll be happy after my belly is gone so that I can sleep close to my husband again!

One last thing I didn't expect... I didn't realize that little squirms and movements inside of me could become the highlight of my day and what I look forward to. Although I'm glad I have a little longer before the baby comes, I'm already falling in love with the little guy and I can't wait to meet him!

1 comment:

Krista said...

It's funny how consuming "getting ready" for baby is when it is the first one. This time I have done next to nothing to get ready and I am already in my 29th week. I am way more prepared with all the baby things this time around and I have not been reading about anything at all because I've already done it. :) It is so fun to get ready for your first!