First of all... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETHANY!!!! Hope it was a great one! Thanks for being a true friend and bosom buddy all these years. It is such a blessing to walk through the many phases of life with you. (maybe someday we'll live in the same place too!)
The picture: my exciting new "nerdy" teacher cart. I got it at Office Depot. It is a foldable crate that I can cart all of my stuff around in to each of my schools. I'm always carrying 3-5 bags on my shoulders all around the schools. My shoulders said, "enough!" I can fit everything I need in/on this baby! Oh the joys in simple things.
Also today...
First PAYCHECK!!!!!
Run with Nicole (and Nigel, but he is limping around :(. I think he is getting old. He just can't keep up with us like he used to.
Chat with Mom. I love her much.
Calzones for dinner.
Chat with Dad. I'm so proud of him. He is 3 chapters down on his dissertation and will be going for his ABD soon!
Watched Fool's Gold with Al. It was a fun chick flick movie. It even had a little bit of action. Fun!
Catching up on blogs.
To Bed!