First off- I apologize for how blurry the picture is! I took at least 4 and they were all like that! Weird.
Second off- we had a diaper shower for some people in our FPU class tonight, so being a wonderful, responsible friend, I ran to the store about 10 minutes before class to pick up some diapers. I had NO idea how expensive diapers are! It cost $10 for a little pack (granted they were newborn diapers), but still- more expensive than paper towels! (not sure why I was comparing them to paper towels in the first place- that would do no good against baby poop!) Babies go through diapers so fast that I feel like Alan and I need to start saving now just for a diaper fund! Also, I was wondering what people think about cloth diapers. I have thought about this a little and talked about it with pregnant friends. It sounds good in theory, but does anyone do it anymore?
Third off- Alan and I actually attended church together today!!!! (normally he is either working or I am doing Sunday school or power point or he has to work that night so he needs to sleep, etc) Also, ran with Nicole- I really enjoy hanging out with that girl! (and it's fun to have running accountability)
Fourth off- The pic is of Al's new Ipod shuffle- which is soooo cool! And of our FPU envelope system. We refilled today since it is the beginning of the month. The envelope system has been really amazing for us. It helps curb spending like nothing else (and just gives you a tangible reminder of how much money you have spent and how much is left over.) I totally recommend it!
i read about this cloth diaper that has an insert that is flushable... but it still turns out to be WAY cheaper than disposable diapers. i'll have to look up the website for you, but i've thought about it, too with how expensive they are. but HEY :) you'll be the guinea pig again since you'll be birthing first!! hahahaha so i suppose you will have to tell ME which is better :)
cloth diapers are from the devil...especially when they are poopie!
ewww cloth diapers! and thanks friend :) love ya!
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