Today was one of those quiet, alone days where mostly you are living inside of your own head. I woke up this morning when Alan got home and he offered to make breakfast, but silly me stayed up WAY too late last night finishing my book and decided to sleep a little longer. We did chat for a little while after he ate some cereal himself. I thought about getting up then, but decided to try to get a little more shut eye. Next thing you know, I wake up and it is noon! I haven't slept that long in forever! I think my body really needed with jet lag and the cold I've been trying to fight off. I feel a lot better today too! Besides my interactions with Alan then and eating dinner with him, I was really alone all day. Unless you count my dog :). It was a good day though, I tidied some, looked over the sunday school lesson, went shopping for a friend's shower, read national geographic, took nigel for a walk, cooked dinner. It's just weird how you can live in your head. I didn't talk to anyone, but I felt active all day- not passive.
Sunday School... I like teaching it, but due to lack of volunteers I have been having to teach 1-4th graders this summer. There is a BIG difference between a 1st and 4th grader (sometimes we even have some 5th graders too!) I'm definitely not a teacher and struggle with what learning strategies are appropriate for who. (For example, there are a lot of games and motions built into the 1-2nd grader curriculum, but this doesn't really seem appropriate for 4th graders) But, I'm thankful to have another lesson that I feel passionate about. This week I'm teaching about how Nehemiah helps the poor and how God wants us to help people being treated unfairly. It's basically about seeking justice in the world. I really hope and pray that tomorrow God will give me the words to say that will impress his love and justice for others. At that age (or really any age) it is so easy to think about "me" and "my stuff." I hope that God can use me to show them how they can impact the poor, their schools, and those being affected by injustice.
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