
9.14.09- Day 118

  • Dear Swine Flu (and other flu strains), I'm not sure whether I should love you or hate you. You make my days quiet and calm. You allow me to get caught up on all my work. But, you keep my cute kiddos at home sick and make me wash my hands with the rigor of an OCD hygenist. Stay away from me. It's all I can ask. Sincerely, Susan.
  • Dear APTA, Today you took $324 of my hard-earned money. Please continue to protect my profession and give me resources to become a better physical therapist. Help me network and find jobs as needed. Thanks, Susan
  • Dear APS New Teacher Induction Classes, Why? Why do you think it is necessary to send a Physical Therapist to classes that teach about literacy and math assessment? Don't you think you are wasting both of our time? If you are keeping something from me, please, reveal your ulterior motives. (and if that motive is torture- it's working, but not a good enough reason). Thanks for the pizza anyways. Love, Susan

  • Dear Better Homes and Gardens, I love you. Thanks for all your fun ideas, tips, and recipes. Also, thanks for a relaxing evening (forget my lack of productiveness). I heart you, Susan.

1 comment:

Alana Smith said...

Lol, Susan. I really like your clever little notes to 'acquaintances.' Sounds like you're getting settled into your new job and lifestyle. I am trying to blog more often since you and Steph both kept telling me to do it more often. :)
love you,