I love you sooooo much. You really bring joy and meaning to my days. Sometimes I need a little coffee to enjoy your smiles (since you stopped sleeping regularly through the night when we stopped swaddling you). But, you still sleep through the night about 1 time a week and go to sleep easily in general. You tend to get tired around 7 or 8 and wake up around the same time in the morning! You LOVE to put things in your mouth and drool is your new best friend. You're quite the trooper. You've been on hikes with mom and dad, you've hung out while we painted, you've gotten used to going to Grandma's and taking a bottle 2-3x's a week, and you've been easy going through it all. You still love standing and sitting with support, you've just started rolling from tummy to back and onto your sides from your back. Bathtime is not your favorite, although you love being changed these days. Poop is sometimes an issue (or not an issue), since you only do it every 7-10 days! You love your links, looking at lights (still), playing in your jumper, reading books, and singing songs. You're now wearing 6 month and 9 month clothes! Every morning we read about Jesus and how he came to earth to rescue you. Recently I've been thinking that I want my life to show you that truth, in addition to reading you stories. I hope and pray that your daddy and I will be instrumental in helping you understand and accept Jesus' love and grace for you. And in showing you how to live in that love and grace. This is such a fun stage in your life and I can see you learning everyday. Sometimes I almost think I can see neurons dividing and sending connections in your brain as you observe the world around you.
All my love,
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