
9.13.09- Day 117

(At Bob and Kyla's house watching the TiVo'ed Bronco's game)
  • Church- I did the media for the service today. It was my first time on the new program. It definitely wasn't perfect, but I did my best!
  • Lunch/Watch church flag-football game- I ate leftover Subway with Nicole while watching our men play flag-football with the other guys from church. It was a beautiful day (especially after our 50 degree and raining day yesterday!).
  • Coldstone.
  • Watching the Bronco's game at Bob and Kyla's. They have TiVo, so we could still see the game (since the boys missed it while playing flag-football and it was the season opener.) We won! It was pretty pitiful though. At least we can't go 0-13 now (is that how many games there are?).
  • Sams. Spent a lot of money. Hopefully will last 2 months or more!
  • Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Give Blood!
  • Walmart. Yes, I did brave Walmart after going to Sams and on a Sunday evening. Both BIG mistakes. I'm never going back on a Sunday evening again. There were 5 lanes open (3 of those were 20 items or less). I was the 11th cart in line when I got in line. 30ish minutes and an Oprah magazine later, I was finally through the line. I almost left my cart there. 20 minutes of shopping should not equate to over 30 minutes in line! Walmart is so horrible in CO. It's just so cheap and familiar. That's what keeps bringing me back.
  • Talking Anatomy with my husband. Nothing turns me on more (haha- jk). But, that is how we met and got back together (studying science).
  • Blog updating.
  • SLEEP!


Stephanie said...

WE won. HA. who ARE you? you're an arkansaN!

Susan said...

Well, it's not like AR has a pro team anyways. The Broncos are defintely my team now.

Nicole said...

Stephanie cover your ears. I don't care if it was from AR- wal-mart bleh! Target, I'm telling you!