
10.11.09- Day 145

Sunday at the Dunes...
Packed up and headed out.

Zapata Falls... a few miles outside of the park.
We had to hop stones all the way in.

PS- On the way back we passed through some weird weather. It was beautiful and sunny at the Dunes, then about an hour into the trip, we passed through a really low cloud. After that cloud, everything was progressively covered more and more with a glaze of white ice. The closer we got to Colorado Springs, the whiter things were. It was beautiful. Then, after Monument Hill, we passed through another cloud and everything was dry and brown again. Odd.

I did enjoy riding back with Sarah very much. We had some good talks. We also planned our college friends' 10 year futures, so if you are Carissa, JB, Paul, Bethany, Nicole, Eric, Andy, or Colby, just ask and we can tell you your future. :)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

umm... just wait! till you come to lousisana! we'll show you.. the... crawfish ponds! a natural wonder! :)
i am SO excited yall are coming!! eek! we got your room all ready this weekend :)