
6.12.09- Day 26

**I spent some time gardening this evening after Alan left for work. This is a picture of one of my hens & chicks that I just transplanted to a new spot. I love the colors. Succulents are some of my favorites.

***On another note: I got the official job offer from Human Resources today to work for APS! I am getting more excited about the job and planning for it. Today I bought a huge planner (I'm going to need it to organize 50 children's treatment and meetings).

****I also made Parmesan Crusted Tilapia, Garlic Greenbeans, and salad for dinner. It was really yummy! I love having time to do things like make real meals and garden. Yay summer!

*****Currently I am listening to the Priscilla Ahn station on Pandora. I LOVE her music and her genre of music. So relaxing and beautiful.

1 comment:

Charlie said...

Tilapia!!!??? I guess as an avid fisherman, I was raised to be snobby.

I need to brush up on my succulents as well.