
11.8.09- Day 172

Sunday: Alan and I were actually at church on the same Sunday! (only I had to do power point so we couldn't sit together). One of my colleagues from work came to visit the church too! I was happy she came. I don't know if she'll keep coming, but it was fun to see her outside of work. After church, Alan and I came home and ate lunch. Then, we joined Eric, Nicole, and Sarah (and Nigel) at Washington Park for an afternoon stroll/frisbee/football game. It was a beautiful day! Wash Park is one of my favorite places in Denver. It is a huge, gorgeous park with a great view of the mountains and tons of cute homes. It makes me want to be really active too because everyone there is running or biking or playing sports.

After Wash Park, Alan and I went home for a little while before going over to babysit for some friends from church. They have two cute kids- a kindergartner and a 3 year old. Eric (the dad) even cooked a yummy dinner for us. All we had to do was feed the kids, play some games with them, get them ready for bed, then read some books and tuck them in. They went straight to sleep without even getting out of bed once! Man, having kids must be a breeze (joking- haha). One thing is sure though- those kids are AWESOME at the game Memory. Alan or I would flip over a card and immediately Adam or Gabriella would point to the match. I was very impressed. I may have also been impressed because sometimes I have to encourage 4th graders to label shapes and colors in my line of work. :)

We got home around 11 and went to bed. Alan had a test to get ready for in the morning and I have another week of work ahead.

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