
12.14.09- Day 207

Today: Kenton Elementary all day. Spent lots of time treating kids, managing equipment, meeting home PT's, going to meetings, etc. It was a good productive day though. After work, Alan and I went to Chili's on a date and ate the 2 for $20 special! Yum! We got cheesesticks for our appetizer (I haven't had those in ages!), we each ate half of the mini tacos and cajun chicken pasta entrees, and split chocolate lava cake for dessert! I LOVE chocolate lava cake. It's basically my favorite dessert of all time (maybe except for cheesecake or chocolate mess or anything basically anything chocolate...) We went to Barnes and Noble and did some Christmas shopping, then came home and looked at some of our Christmas presents for a while. (hope the recipient doesn't mind a little bend in the spine of their present -hehe) After deciding that I need to wait one more day before working out, we relaxed for the rest of the evening. Now, I'm blogging and my husband is about to go show me up by working out at night. I'm going to have to go to the gym every day in January to make up for all the time I missed while I was sick!

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