
12.8.09- Day 201

Sick again... but not sick enough not to work. Also, sick that we didn't get a snow day! Good grief. What does it take to get a snow day around here? Apparently below 0 temperatures and 8" of snow is not enough. I saw this interesting site in the field behind one of the schools that I work at. About 300 Canadian geese were all hunkered down in the snow trying to keep warm just like the rest of Denver. I skipped small group tonight because I was still feeling bad. Conveniently, the Biggest Loser finale was on. It was fabulous! I really like the show. (have I mentioned that?!) Transformation is something that is incredible to me. I like that this show demonstrates changes inside and out in each of the contestants. I think that I like it because it reminds me that transformation is my destiny as well.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

HOWEVER. did you SEE rebecca's hair?? she transformed into a 70 year old smoker.
but i'm glad danny won :)